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Organization - Before a HELIOS can be added an Organization needs to be created. The Organization is the container for the Projects. Only the admin/owner should create an Organization. The admin then can invite others to join as Members. The additional Members will also need to sign up with the Megapixel Cloud.

Members - People in an Organization are the Members. Members can be assigned diffrent roles (admin or user) based on their function.

Project - is a container for a System. Think of these as the various locations where displays are installed throught an Organization.

Agent - The Agent is the unit that talks to the Cloud. Usually this is a HELIOS processor. Agents need to be enrolled to the cloud. See the Agents section for details on how to enroll a HELIOS processor.

Device - is something in the system. It can be a tile, a network switch, etc.

System - is a collection of devices that are connected together. An Agent may monitor multiple systems.



The following is a list of abbreviations that are used throught the interface.

displaydispa display componentusually a tile
matrixmtrxa matrix switchermatrix switch info
pdupdua power distribution unit
processorproca video signal processorHELIOS
projectorproja projector
receiverrecva tile receiverThe PX1 Receiver card
switchswcha network switch
systemsysa monitored system